
Facebook alternatives: Best 5 social media besides Facebook

here are some Facebook alternate social media sites you may want to try
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Facebook alternatives: Looking for other social media besides Facebook? Are you in the process of hunting for an alternative Facebook? Facebook has been a lot for the wrong reasons lately in the news. Whistle-blower data confirmed that Cambridge Analytica used personal information to manipulate voters’ opinions of as many as 87 million Facebook users.

While the data was inappropriately obtained by Cambridge Analytica, Facebook is being slammed for failure to safeguard its users. If you’re concerned about the protection of your identity, here are some alternate social media sites you may want to try:

Top 5 Facebook Alternatives

1. Vero

Vero’s best selling point is, a premium platform, is that this is free of advertising and does not define the timeline by algorithms. It has been around since 2015 but has recently begun to sail, with a small range of users, from only over 200 to more than 5 million users in 2020. The service arrangements, though, at any stage to stick to paying subscriptions. Vero is also accessible only on an app that allows you to register with your phone number.

2. Ello

Ello promotes itself as an ad-free alternative to Facebook and guarantees that user details will never be sold. In 2014, Facebook pursued its Real Name strategy without hitting the mainstream, but it attracted considerable attention. Ello is an enticing choice for designers, photographers, and other artistic people with its minimalistic style and emphasis on content. However, a user-to-user chat feature and several other handy Facebook features are absent.

3. MeWe

The MeWe Social media is pretty new to the social networking arena and was launched in 2016. “MeWe” is a Facebook-like clone with the hashtag #Not4Sale, but with more encryption. The greatest user issue currently appears to be the absence of other members of many of the same features as Facebook.

4. Minds

The mind is a type of Facebook clone anti-establishment. The network is free-language, censor-free. The “Migrate from Facebook” feature can be used by new users. Furthermore, Savvy users can produce income by receiving monetized posts and/or ad sharing monthly.

5. Next Door

If you want to communicate with the local neighbourhood rather than establish a vast system of connections, Next-door is a fantastic social network to help.


If only because you prefer social networks, you should be careful of using your info. Be alert as to what kind of information you give and if you are confused, the safest thing is to keep delicate information away from your social profiles online.

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Passionate, Innovative and Creative human being, who loves expressing ideas through creativity. I provide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) + Social Media Marketing services + I also create Snapchat Lenses

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