
10 Social Media Campaign Ideas & Tips for Facebook

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Is your marketing campaign focused on social media? In this we are going to cover social media campaign ideas, strategies, tips for Facebook.

If so, you know how tough it is to keep up with the latest content from different social networks. Constant changes will make it impossible for your company to establish a consistent plan for social media marketing.

I have put together 10 campaign ideas, strategies, and tips for social media marketing on Facebook to help you create a social media marketing strategy.

Let’s start!

1. Run content ads on Facebook

facebook ads

Facebook ads are also popular in social media marketing. However, this will specifically be used to display products on a Facebook user’s News Feed. Content advertising will give them the feeling that they are “native” to Facebook. If all goes well, users won’t even know they are ads, because they have visited your website and signed up for your email list before knowing it.

2. Photo Contest

photo contest

Run a photo contest on your Facebook page and invite your fans to upload photos and product images. Competitions running is one of the most successful ways to raise your Facebook page’s visibility while building leads for sales and gathering information that you can use in potential marketing campaigns.

3. Giveaway


Like having a photo contest, it is a great way to raise the awareness of the company quickly and spread it. Since it is so easy to join giveaways, it is easy to get people involved in your products. Be sure the reward is a product affiliated with your name such that in the future you can link non-winners to make their sales. Please add a pop-up box “Like this page” to your competition to ensure competition participants get connected to your brand.

4. Live Campaign for Facebook

Interacting in real-time with your fans adds honesty and “reality” to your marketing on social media. For example, a live interview with the fan or a preview of your newest line of items adds to the fan’s experience by creating a channel to promote the interest of your company with your audiences right away.

5. To display content, use videos, and images

The promotion of advertising is an important marketing technique for marketers around the globe – and social media are a perfect way to share your content. While you can only connect directly to your content, a glimpse of some content that you share in your short video or photos (such as an IT can help to draw viewers into your blog and push social networking (such as Facebook).

6. “Tag a friend” content linked to the post

If you were recently on Facebook, storm up your news feed. You’ll also note that much of the commentary is from people tagging friends that they hope to enjoy the message, which is like giving friends a group voice. Post your product or brand with an amusing, narrative image, and invite fans to tag their friends – this helps to spread information about your brand without getting too promoted.

7. Coupons

The appeal of deals or coupons on your website keeps up-to-date fans engaged and persuades them to connect and like your page. Although it can be fun to see your daily content, note that your result can lead to revenue – the launch of Facebook coupons only can help to improve social involvement and turn passive Facebook fans into clients. It is also possible for fans to share the discount with their peers, raise awareness, and further boost sales.

8. Address the complaints of customers

We know as advertisers that social media are not just a medium that we can use as a megaphone material. It is designed to stay linked to customers in order to strengthen our identity and maintain our followers.

9. Campaigns for “Response”

An additional set of “reactions” which users could use as the default “Like” was something that Facebook had introduced indirectly this year including “heart,” “haha,” “sad,” and wow.” Get users into the picture and ask fans to vote for an alternative through the reaction buttons. Not only does it improve your dedication, but it also lets you gain insight into your customers’ minds.

10. Infographics

While Facebook is typically not the best place for uploading dense or numerical content, you can do away with it by producing and posting visually appealing graphics. Take insightful facts and convert them into multimedia material that is easy to absorb – and distribute. This is a perfect way to tell buyers about the product and business in an unbelievable manner.

Read Facebook Demographics that matter

Passionate, Innovative and Creative human being, who loves expressing ideas through creativity. I provide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) + Social Media Marketing services + I also create Snapchat Lenses

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