How to pin comments on Instagram? Easy Guide

How to Pin comments on Instagram [new]

Instagram has begun testing out the functionality of pinned comments, enabling users to pin up to three comments on top of the posts. The company believes that, with the aid of this feature, it can help users to monitor the tone of responses on a post and at the same time mildly harmful or derogatory comments.

Today we’re rolling out pinned comments everywhere. 📌

That means you can a pin a few comments to the top of your feed post and better manage the conversation.

— Instagram (@instagram) July 7, 2020

On 7 July 2020, Instagram made the launch announcement for Twitter’s latest pinned comments feature. Users need to download the Instagram app on their phones from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store in order to get the feature.

how to pin comments on Instagram
Simply swipe over a comment you want to pin, from right to left, to use the pinned comments feature.

Users will simply swipe over a comment they want to pin, from right to left, to use the pinned comments feature. New options will emerge when they do so, asking them whether they want to respond, report or delete the comment. A new pushpin icon will now populate the list as well and the comment will be pinned to the top when pushed.

Up to 25 comments will now be removed by Instagram users in one go. Users may also block accounts in bulk or restrict them.

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