
How to use Twitter for Business? Easy Guide

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There’s a lot about Twitter, from hashtags and tweets to Twitter lists and social media influencers. Business will use the platform with the right marketing strategy to create effective social media campaigns that maximize sales, brand awareness, and consumer services.

Twitter is a digital and social networking platform for exchanging short message service, or tweets, with a maximum length of 280 characters. Founded in 2006, Twitter is now one of the world’s most influential news sources.

twitter 2020 statistics

If you’re new to Twitter or would like to launch your company using the platform, here is what you need to know.

Setting up Twitter for business

A Twitter profile is divided into six components – Twitter account, username, photo profile, bio, image header, and pinned tweet. Each of these components should coordinate to ensure that the company is correctly described.

Your username on Twitter is your @username and that’s your Twitter account. It can include up to 15 characters and can allow people to quickly locate their company. You should represent your organization and brand creatively in your display picture. On your profile and in every tweet you publish, your profile image is displayed.

You have 160 characters in bio for your company to identify. Include your location, business hours, and a link to your website. The cover picture on your profile can be used to highlight promotions, services, events, or business news.

Finally, when they enter your Twitter profile page, your pinned tweet is your first tweet. Whenever you like, you can change your pinned tweet.

Twitter terminology

# (Hashtag)

A hashtag (#) is used for Twitter indexing terms or sentences. When you select a hashtag, Twitter scans other Tweets immediately using the hashtag. This makes the tracking of topics, trends and activities simple for users.


Twitter launched bookmarks in February 2018. You can save tweets that you want to see later on with bookmark icon. This is especially useful if you want to read a document or watch a video but you do not have time at this time.

@ (mention)

The icon @ is used to tag or mention other Twitter users.


Twitter accounts can be blocked. They can’t see you if you’re blocking an account, if you block someone, they won’t be able to link you to their Twitter lists, or access your tweets. You’re not going to see their tweets, too.

Direct messaging

You also hear direct messages being referred to as DMs by Twitter users. You can talk with anyone in privacy via this option. If you have a question, you should ask using a DM. There is no DM character cap, so as many characters as you want to use you can use. However, your message will appear in the folder “requests” if anyone you do not follow you. In your preferences, you should change it to accept DM from everyone from settings options.


You subscribe to them while you follow an account on Twitter. You will see their tweets in your home feeds timeline.


They are the users on Twitter who follow you and see your tweets.


On your Twitter homepage, you can see new trend topics in the left-hand trend box.

Home timeline

The tweets and tweets of the users you follow as well as promotional tweets are displayed on your home feed timeline.


By clicking on the heart icon under the tweet you may like a tweet. All your likes can be accessed at “Likes” tab.


Retweeting is equivalent to sharing a post. If you like tweets, you retweet them and want them to be seen by your followers. Then that tweet will appears on follower’s home feeds.


Trends can be identified as topics or hashtags. You may change trends to show what is or is popular in your region. You can do this via Trends region settings.

Tools for Twitter

It must be a priority to keep your account(s) organized. Many local and third-party clients can be used to handle tweets. These are two popular third-party apps.


TweetDeck is free to use and has a smart user interface with customized columns, where charts, updates and your own feed are accessible. You can track hashtags in individual columns too, pre-schedule tweets, and connect multiple Twitter profiles to handle multiple users at once (which is not something you can do on a Twitter website or smartphone apps). TweetDeck is a web-based browser access; Twitter is owned.


which allows you to handle other Twitter social media accounts, also functions in the same way as TweetDeck. It is maybe not as elegant or straightforward as a layout from TweetDeck because Hootsuite uses tabs for each profile in which you connect.

Start Twitter for Business to work

For companies of all sizes, social media retains importance. It covers many demographics and spreads the message of your business. As a company owner, you should think carefully how Twitter blends into your whole marketing strategy.


Hashtags allow users the ability to mark a word or expression that group together hundreds (or thousands) of tweets. They can be searched and are the right partner for live activities.

Hashtags are a perfect way to make your content available beyond your followers. The most active Twitter users have been familiar with a variety of common hashtags such as #FollowFriday and #ThrowbackThursday.

It is also possible to build your hashtags to carry the brand or the activities that you have to light, but this might not be possible. Many brands are linking up trends to contribute or sell their goods for the discussion.

Using specific hashtags, e.g. you could use the hashtag #entrepreneurship if you tweet about starting a company. You must also restrict the use of the number of hashtags. The more you use, the less likely people are to engage with your content, since they will find your spam-like messages.

Handle problems through direct messages.

Over the years, direct messaging, especially for brands, has changed. The way you communicate with consumers is critical to solve challenges and deal with them.

For a few factors, it is intelligent to treat customers via DMs. Next, you don’t want to see the issue and hear less of your business through other people. Further, there is no restriction on DMs that helps you to support consumers properly without restricting yourself to a certain number of characters.

By default, you can only give DMs to users whom you follow. To accept updates from others you can set up your Twitter account, making it easy for all clients to reach you. Only go to the Settings of Privacy and allow anyone to accept direct messages.

Use Photos, GIFs, and polls

Twitter enables users to add up to 4 pictures. You should apply graphics to your tweets, too.  Many resources are available online to help you create the picture you need.

For your tweets, using pictures and GIFs is an ideal way to get in touch with followers. The GIF keyboard of Twitter is built in. Check for a keyword and pick a clip appropriate for your tweet.

To keep customers engaged in your brand, communicating with followers is critical on Twitter. One fun way to get the followers interested is to create a poll. Create and pick the answers to your question. The poll will remain normal live 24 hours, but if you choose it, you can shorten it.

Live tweet

Live-tweeting is another way to get a Twitter trend. Live-tweeting is simply whether a person posts his or her responses to an incident live, whether it is news or entertainment. Brands also create their hashtag while they broadcast activities and want their guests to live tweets when they are there so that others can join them in.

Live-tweeting usually takes place for news programs and TV activities. It’s not rare to see the trends box of trends – for example, in the case of the Oscars, the official Hashtag awards show with the names of actors and movies that are given big awards is listed.

Participate in Twitter chats

The hosting of a Twitter chat is another way to connect with people or get a topic trend. Twitter chat is easy, but a relatively broad and active number of followers base is important to succeed.

A Twitter chat occurs when a popular hashtag simultaneously addresses multiple Twitter users on a particular topic.

Interact with influencers and customers.

Interacting with the right people on Twitter is critical. It is often intelligent to approach your customers to help them learn about your company and to keep them happy and future clients. You would prefer to concentrate on something, like journalists or influencers. The Twitter lists are an easy way to do this.

Advertise on Twitter.

Twitter is open, but you have a lot of promotional opportunities available if you choose to pay to advertise your brand on the platform.

Promoted Tweets

They appear in a Twitter feed along with updates from people the user follows. These advertisements are much like normal tweets. Promoted tweets provide advertisers with a way to boost interaction and spread their scope beyond their followers to a larger group of users. These tweets are classified as “promoted” at the end of the ad, above response, retweet, and similar to the buttons.

Promoted Accounts

Promoted profiles are meant to make brands more discoverable and to maximize their followers. These advertisements are seen on many Twitter pages, including the Who to Follow box on the home page, Twitter feeds on the home page, and the results of the search. Promoted advertisements approach Twitter users with brand-specific preferences such that advertisers will attract followers more likely to engage with their content. Both advertisements are labeled ‘Promoted’ as promoted tweets so that consumers can separate them from other feeds. Find out more about promotional profiles

Promoted Trends

In the trends window on Twitter, sponsored trends appear at the top of the trends chart. These advertisements look just like other trend topics and consumers will engage with them in the same manner. Promoted trends are explicitly labeled as “Promoted.” Though while promoted tweets and promoted accounts are targeting individual people, the patterns that are being promoted can be used for all users. They can also be found on smartphone applications on Twitter. If you want people to speak with a particular hashtag about your brand, trends encouraged are a good way to go.

Mobile App Promotion

This is the tool for you, smartphone app companies. This choice helps advertisers to target their requested publicity and drive app downloads through mobile devices. Advertisers can build an ad and target user personalized photos and app descriptions through their location, gender, language, and mobile device (so, if your app is available only on iOS devices, you can target users who access Twitter from only those devices). The tool also has a specific measuring system to allow marketers to see how their campaigns affect software downloads, buys, and registers. Learn more on the marketing of smartphone app on Twitter.

Twitter tips and tricks for Business

Do not purchase followers: You can buy followers from such services to raise the count of followers. Since I’ve got more followers than you have, it may sound enticing to do it, but it doesn’t function. You don’t like the followers and would therefore not associate with your brand.

Use Twitter mobile

The mobile applications from Twitter are extremely well aligned with the website such that your smartphone or tablet transits from tweeting on your device to tweeting.

Set your website with a Twitter widget

Display someone visiting your website by embedding a Twitter widget on your site that you are involved in on social media. Go to Twitter Widget settings to create a Twitter widget and press Create a new one. You will be sent to a page that will help you to configure what you want in your widget. You can create a widget from your tweet, your favorite tweets, or collections. Even a certain hashtag can be scanned. Then you can change your widget’s scale, color, and theme connection. Just press the Build Widget button when you are satisfied with your new Twitter widget to redirect to a new page with HTML code for the widget to be embedded on your website.

Use tweets on your blog

If the website of your brand has an active blog, built-in tweets will highlight all your loyal followers’ fun tweets or tweets. This is a perfect way to connect social media pages to your website. To insert a tweet, go to the tweet in the upper right corner and press on the More link. You can see a drop-down menu; click Embed Tweet, and it takes you to a new page with the related HTML code. Copy and paste the code from where you would like it to be.

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Passionate, Innovative and Creative human being, who loves expressing ideas through creativity. I provide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) + Social Media Marketing services + I also create Snapchat Lenses

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