Social Media Audit
Social Media Audit: First thing to do is, audit the company website – What products and services they’re offering. What the company or website is all about. Company website audit is done to figure out what the target market, audience and business objectives is.
This Social media audit includes getting answers to the following key questions:
- What is the company trying to achieve through social media marketing?
- How good is the company in achieving its business objectives through social media?
- Who is their target audience and why?
- How good is the company in targeting customers?
- How good is the company in building positive influence among customers?
- How good is the company in engaging with the target audience?
Locate and audit all social media profiles URLs available on company’s website. Do they have a blog link or not.
Audit all social media ‘Meta tags’ integrated on Company’s website:
- Open Graph
- Twitter Cards
- Pinterest Rich Pins
- Google Structured Data
Audit the social media profile:
Audit Basic business info: on social media profile page
Social media profile of a company should be well placed in one of these categories where they belong to.

Facebook: Basic information on page
About – 155 characters to describe your Facebook page. This description appears prominently near the top of your Facebook page on both desktop and mobile. Be as descriptive and helpful as possible.
URL – The web address for your store, company, or brand.
Profile page username: Audit whether the profile username is similar to what the company/brand have on all their social media platforms. Example:
Here, CompanyBrandAAA* should be similar to what you have to your domain name:
*This will result in the better presence of that brand/company on WorldWideWeb / google/search engines.

Evaluate Profile Cover page design: How it is designed and what message it has, does it match to the company/website texture. If there is any message on the cover page that text cannot exceed 20% of the cover image area (as per Facebook advertising condition should be matched).
Evaluate Profile Image: Profile image is used whenever you post and it is the first thing users see when glancing through posts in their news feed, so it is important to see if the profile image is well placed as per Facebook guidelines that are at least 180×180 pixel image size and the rendered image is well designed/logo.
Call to Action button: Audit if the call to action button is there and it is well considered according to the services they are offering. Currently this ‘ call to action buttons’ offered by Facebook.
- Book Now
- Contact Us
- Use App
- Play Game
- Shop Now
- Sign Up
- Watch Video
Social media audit: basic information
- Address
- Business Hours
- Start Date
- Website Address
- About (155 character limit)
- Impressum (2000 characters limit) an optional field. In certain countries, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland, businesses may be required by law to include a statement of ownership on their web presence.
- Privacy Policy Link
- Story
- Page profile tabs: Audit if any customised tab is there. E.g. twitter tab, Pinterest tab, contest tab, services tab, or any static tab.
After auditing profile’s basic information. Now the main part of social media audit is to audit the post activity, post engagement, type of post and frequency of post.
Social Media Metrics:
Analysis of Metrics that show Page reach:
- Number of Page Likes
- Number of page Followers
- Number of Video Views
- % of Men
- % of Women
- Age Group
- Country
- City
- Language
Analysis of Metrics that show post engagement:
- Number of Post Likes
- Posts per day
- Post time (frequency)
- Number of Post Shares
- Number of Comments on Post
Analysis of Metrics that show revenue:
- Leads, opportunities, and closed sales
- Service opportunities that retain customers
Social Media ROI Key Metrics
Facebook Key Metrics
- Likes
- Engaged users
- Reach
- Impressions
Twitter Key Metrics
- Followers
- Mentions
- Retweets
Google+ Key Metrics
- Views
- Followers
- Shares
LinkedIn Key Metrics
- Followers
- Page Views
- Unique Visits
Instagram Key Metrics
- Followers
- Likes
- Comments
Pinterest Key Metrics
- Followers
- Impressions
- Reach
- Clicks
Analysis of page, user engagement and reach is done to audit whether the social media page is targeting the right audience (country, language, age group, interest, etc.)
Social Media Audit through Facebook Insight Report or we can use third-party social media Analytics Tools, just for an example: For Social media audit analysis, I have extracted analysis report of Bollywood Hot Post facebook page.
Following social media, the audit report is generated through Simply Measured Tool. All are organic report since no paid campaign has been done on this page.

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