International Women’s Day: Humanity is one of Nature’s most powerful creations. Besides that, nature gave the human race the gift to produce amongst oneself. Yet women fought endlessly for their lives even after being the greatest gift of nature. The patriarchal nature of society made it impossible for women to live a life they could call their own, one in which they had a voice and could make their own decisions. Over time, however, there have arisen many powerful women who have spoken out against sexism and hence have played a role in history. International Women’s Day is held every year on 8 March to celebrate these women.
It is a worldwide commemoration of women’s social, economic, artistic, and political accomplishments. The day frequently serves as a rallying point for women’s empowerment. International Women’s Day has been celebrated for over a century, and over a million participants attending the first gathering in 1911. Today, International Women’s Day is a global phenomenon that affects all communities. International Women’s Day is not limited to a single nation, party, or entity.
International Women’s Day wishes and Messages
Here are a few wishes and messages to send all the strong women out there a “Happy Women’s Day” who has worked with all of womankind and made the world a much better place:
- I can’t find the words to express how I feel about women. Their strength and power, their ability to keep their heads up no matter what. I admire it on every possible level. Girls run the world, that’s the only thing I know for sure. Happy Women’s day!
- Woman can be powerful without being aggressive. Isn’t it amazing? May the marvelous feminine energy cover our world with its warmth and greatness. Happy Women’s day to all of us!
- Women have deserved so much than just a day in a year. The power they have inside is enormous. This day is a reminder for every human being in the world to love and admire women, for they deserved it. Happy Women’s day!
- A woman is so much more than just a human being. She has Gods power to create a life, to cope with so much pain and somehow always end up being the strongest one in every room. Happy Women’s Day to all Goddesses out there!
- Such an amazing opportunity to thank all of the beautiful, wonderful, charming women out there! Thank you for making life possible, thank you for being so different and strong! Happy Women’s Day!
- Happy Women’s day to the strong, beautiful, funny and incredible women! I will never stop admire your strength and intelligence. Who runs the world? Girls! Happy Women’s day!
- Women are world’s greatest inspiration. Let’s praise our muses and never forget how amazing and wonderful they are. Respect and cherish them every single day. Happy Women’s day!
- We all know that this world would mean nothing without a woman or a girl. Women are stronger than anyone can imagine. Let’s celebrate their endless power today. Happy Women’s day.
- Today we celebrate the most amazing thing God has every created. You know what they say: this is the man’s world, but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl. Let’s not forget about that. Happy Women’s Day!
- Do not live someone else’s life and someone else’s idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you. Happy Women’s Day!
- Because you are women, people will force their thinking on you, their boundaries on you. They will tell you how to dress, how to behave, who you can meet and where you can go. Don’t live in the shadows of people’s judgment. Make your own choices in the light of your own wisdom. Happy Women’s Day!
Happy International Women’s day 2021 Images

The celebration of womanhood and appreciation for the greater and fair half of human society is the aim of International Women’s Day. It’s a journey toward a world where no one is treated as a second-class citizen. It is the concept of a society in which no one needs to struggle for survival or fundamental human rights such as democracy and education. Let us honor this Women’s Day with the highest respect and commitment, such that every day of the year becomes an “Equal Day,” in which everyone is treated equally, respected equally, and cherished equally. HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY, Everybody!
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