What is Dreams On Snapchat? Easy Guide

By Irfan

Updated on:

Dreams on Snapchat is a highly immersive feature that allows users to watch TV on the go. Since the feature does not require standard methods of accessing it on the photo-sharing platform, some users became perplexed about the app’s uses. Many netizens have been trending the phrase “what is dreams on Snapchat?”

What is Dreams on Snapchat?

According to a post on Forbusiness.snapchat.com, Dreams is a mobile-only application. Dreams is well-known for broadcasting news produced for mobile TV networks. Furthermore, it provides entertaining content for free without requiring a user to sign.

Dreams collaborated with Snapchat to gain new customers. Their goal was to gain access to a mobile-first audience that values a smooth content experience. Story Ads were used extensively by Dreams to attract potential consumers on a wide scale. This arrangement was perfect because it reflected Dreams’ experience of browsing full-screen mobile TV channels while still showcasing the scope and complexity of available content.

Using the Grid to tease content and draw the viewer’s interest resulted in a considerably more enthusiastic audience with a deep willingness to not only switch but also become some of their most loyal customers. As a result of this, Dreams saw a 20% rise in average daily viewing time for users who entered via Snapchat.
They have reduced their CPI by focusing on Lookalikes of their most active consumers and using Snap Lifestyle Categories such as Trendsetters and TV Fans.

They optimised their bids for Story openings to get the best bang for their buck.
As a result of expanding their relationship with Snapchat, Dreams has seen an 80% drop in CPI while retaining very high interest from new users, according to the media portal.

The recent Snapchat updates

On a daily basis, the developers have provided new upgrades to their users. Among the latest features in these updates are the Save Snap function and the Snapchat Explore Operation. Users will also save images sent to them by email directly to their camera roll. As a consequence, taking a screenshot isn’t necessary right now.

Aside from that, users can also engage in the Snapchat Explore Activity, a fascinating new addition. This notifies consumers of the events and material reported on their Snap charts. The content creator must include their location in order for their details to appear on the Snap Map.

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